Friday, August 25, 2017

Using my Hair Retexturing Kit

Hello peoples! Long time no teach. Get it? haha. nO

Okay seriously though, if you came here from my Hair Retexture Kit tumblr post, then you must be ready to get down to business. Let's get started.

First you need the following things:
Hair Retexture Kit (known from here as HRK)
Photoshop or another program for editing images

If you aren't using photoshop, you'll have to open the file you want as your faded color, and apply a motion blur to it a couple times.

So if you downloaded my HRK, you unzip that and you have 3 folders:
Pretty self explanatory, inside these folders you'll see this:

Manic Panic:

And in the PSD folders you'll just see the same file names as the ones in Manic Panic and Natural.

But they're fixed for ombre!

So if you wanna do just a Manic Panic color or a Natural color, then you don't need this tutorial. This is to show you how to make your own ombres with the HRK.

If you need to know about using S4S to retexture hairs then watch this:

She explains it perfectly fine and I won't need to type it all out. don't need to follow the part where she teaches you how to make your own texture, I guess. lol

Step 1:

Open the PSD of the color you want as your BOTTOM color, it should look like this (except as whatever color you chose)

Step 2:

Open the color you want as the TOP color, but NOT the PSD of it, it should look like this (whatever color you chose)

Step 3:
Hit CTRL + A to select all the purple (or whatever color you chose), then CTRL + C to copy it. Go back to the teal (or whatever color) and hit CTRL + V to paste it

Step 4:
Under layers click and hold the purple layer, to drag it under the teal one

Now if you're happy with this just CTRL + S and save it as a new image file (png is good for this) with a name not previously used! 

If you're not happy with this, however, you can do the following:

select the teal layer
then drag the teal image down (or up) while holding SHIFT to make sure it does straight down (or up)

If happy with it afterwards, then save it as a new image with a new name and you're good to continue on with that tutorial video up there.

If you're not satisfied with the color brightness or saturation just select the layer, hit CTRL + U and change it!

 And further adjustments can be made using 
If that's what you're into

Anyway, have fun and if you wanna tag me on tumblr to show me what you've come up with I'd love to see! #pixelatedzombies

Any questions can also be asked there, through my ask page!

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