Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to find a hair retexture on my tumblr

Sometimes digging through blogs is hard when you're looking for something specific. Not this time!

Open up my tumblr:

Go to the address bar.

At the end of the url type /tagged/haircreator hairname like so

So for this tutorial I wrote /tagged/newsea ultra lover. So now the url says: ultra lover
Hit enter.

After hitting enter, the url will fix itself to be correct, like in the pic above and...

If you can't find it, try a variation. Peggy hairs will be written as Peggyzone (caps not important) and if it has a number like, say you want a hair called Peggy 49 it'll probably be 049. If if doesn't work without a zero at the front, try again with the 0. If you cannot find the hair you're looking for, request it! :)

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